Neonatal endorsement on the importance of using the Semmelweis Scanner to reduce infection in this critical area- click here

Facility Integration

Automate, Complement, & Enhance

Easily adopt a system that automates your manual processes, complements your existing protocols, and
enhances, and even improves, your existing hand hygiene systems. Here is what the Hand-in-Scan™ System
will do for you:

Enterprise Hand Hygiene
Quality Improvement

Annual program, of hand hygiene competency that improves ALL staff and saves you money.


  • Auditable Hand Hygiene Training Program that covers all staff
  • Hand hygiene Quality improvement
  • Increase in Hand Hygiene Compliance
  • Results by individual, group, team, unit or by role
  • Continuous quality improvement as an indication over time
  • Leapfrog Points
  • Report success to the community, payers, supporters and media

COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

Rapid, automated hand hygiene training for every staff member, contractor and public responder entering your facility.


  • Automated training and assurances of competency
  • Fast 30 second session – 1000’s processed per hour
  • Ongoing spot audits
  • Report success to the community, government and media

Staff Engagement and
Recognition of Excellence

Reward staff with enhanced personalized training to keep them safe. Includes reminders and progress updates on goals and outcomes. Recognize hand hygiene champion staff who overachieve.


  • Digital certificates
  • CME training
  • Affordable
  • Multiple langauges

Educate Visitors

In the case of visitors, intuitive visual feedback on hand hygiene is an essential, powerful educational tool, because visitors do not typically have any relevant background. The Hand-in-Scan™ System is designed to help people to learn the technique of proper hand hygiene. It can be customized to be used by professionals and the public alike.


  • Addressed the most frequently missed areas by visitors are the same as those of the healthcare workers—the thumbs and fingertips—
  • Improved visitor hand hygiene to the same rate of trained professionals
  • Protect your facility and patients by ensuring visitors have clean hands
  • Risk mitigation recognition from insurers

Partnerships & Affiliates


Approved Risk Services Vendor
Clinical Partners
R&D Partners


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Hand Hygiene
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